Learn how to fix many of the common seo issues.
Some very useful resources to help you get a handle on your seo:
- Under attack (
semrush.com ) - SEMrush.com
- How to Identify and Tackle Keyword Cannibalization in 2019 (
moz.com ) - Learn how to find and fix keyword cannibalisation before it impacts your SEO opportunities.
- Simple SEO Checklist for Ecommerce (or any) Sites in 40 Minutes or Less (
bigcommerce.com ) - Use this SEO checklist to make improvements to your site in 40 minutes or less and see instant results.
- How to Find and Fix 14 Technical SEO Problems That Can Be Damaging Your Site Now (
moz.com ) - Are there technical issues plaguing your site beneath the surface? Learn about some of the most common and damaging technical SEO problems and how to begin fixing them.
- 15 Common Technical SEO Issues and How to Solve Them (
seoclarity.net ) - Your site may suffer from one or more of these common technical SEO issues. Don't worry - we have the quick fix solution!
- Fix Keyword Cannibalization To Prevent Hidden SEO Issues - Alexa Blog (
blog.alexa.com ) - Find and fix keyword cannibalization issues in your content that keep you from ranking. Don't let your own keyword strategy hold you back in search.
- Find and fix keyword cannibalization in 4 steps • Yoast (
yoast.com ) - When your site gets larger, your rankings might suffer from keyword cannibalization. We'll show you how to find and fix keyword cannibalization, based on an example of our own site.
- How to Find and Fix Keyword Cannibalization Issues (in Seconds) (
ahrefs.com ) - Keyword cannibalization can be detrimental to rankings for a number of reasons. But luckily, it's an easy, albeit time-consuming, issue to fix. In this post, I explain how to identify and fix keyword cannibalization issues the easy way with a Google Sheets automation template that does most of the work for you.
- What are the most Common SEO Issues According to 3 years of Audit data (
raventools.com ) - Have you ever wondered about the most common on-page SEO issues site owners face? We dig into our proprietary Site Auditor data and surface years of research to show you the most common mistakes people make for their on-page SEO.
- 15 Common On-Site Technical SEO Issues and How to Tackle Them (
singlegrain.com ) - If there are technical SEO issues on your business website, your online presence can take a hit. This article will show you how to identify and fix 15 of the most common problems you're likely facing and how to solve them.
- Technical SEO Website Audit, Web Fixes & Solutions (
hillwebcreations.com ) - Technical SEO website audit, web fixes, and user solutions. 16 primary things Technical SEO Audit reveals. Technical SEO diagnosis of website architecture.
- 5 SEO Issues You Can Solve Immediately (
urbaninsight.com ) - The term ‘Search Engine Optimization' sounds very technical. What is it anyway? Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, just refers to how well your site is constructed to attract your desired audience. The role that Google, or any search engine plays in this is very important. Google is essentially like a matchmaker between users (people who are typing words into a search bar to find content that they're interested in) and websites looking for an audience.
- The 8-Step Site Audit Every SEO Should Do (
link-assistant.com ) - Audit your website's pages with the following six steps to make sure you have all SEO tech issues fixed.
- How To Fix Your Website Issues With On page SEO Analysis? (
medium.com ) - It is never easy to reach the top of the index in the search engine. Once you have done all the hard work, used all your SEO technical expertise for improving the ranking of the site, you just want…
- How To Fix A Duplicate Content SEO 'Penalty' In Google (
hobo-web.co.uk ) - Only add unique hand-written content to your web pages. Don't add content to your pages that is found verbatim on other pages on the web. Do not 'spin' text on pages on your site. Don't create thin-pages with little value add to users. Implement the rel=”canonical” link element on all pages.
- What are the most common on-page SEO issues, and how can you fix them? - Search Engine Watch (
searchenginewatch.com ) - Appearing in the top organic listings of Google is increasingly like pouring a gallon of milk into a shot glass.
- Would you like a free audit of your site's SEO? (
wordtracker.com ) - Would you like a free site audit? There's no catch, cost or fee. Using Wordtracker's Keywords tool, site audits are really simple. Your SEO audit will be ready in about half an hour.
- 5 of the Most Complex SEO Problems & How to Fix Them (
searchenginejournal.com ) - Try and use this as a convenient pocket-sized guide for fixing complex SEO problems and consequently improving your rankings.
- 12 Highly Effective Charity SEO Tips (
tomcrowedigital.com ) - SEO issues can prevent your nonprofit site from achieving traffic & donations. Here are my top 12 most effective SEO tips for charities & nonprofits...
These topics were mentioned multiple times across various sources:
- internal link
- google search
- user experience
- anchor text
- sitemaps
- markup
- Google analytics
- conversion rate
- structured data
- search term
- keyword research
- auditing
- content management system
- bounce rate
- mobile search
- proactive
- link building
- metadata
- image search
- native language
- source code
- rule of thumb
- organic search
- uptime
- response time
- Chrome
- infographic
- social media
- Adwords
- home page
These are some relevant questions found across sources:
- How To Fix A Duplicate Content SEO Penalty' In Google
- Do Trailing Slashes Cause Duplicate Content Challenges on a Website?
- Is There A Penalty For Duplicate Content On A Website?
- How Does Google Work Out The Primary Version Of Duplicate Content?
- Can this link tag be used to suggest a canonical URL on a completely different domain?
- How Does Google Pick A Canonical URL For Your Page?
- Can Duplicate Content Rank in Google?
- Which Crawl Errors are most Important to Fix in Technical SEO?
- What Browsers Should You Test Your Website With?
- Is There A Google Penalty For Spun Content?
These are some relevant subsections found across sources:
- Create Canonical Tags for Duplicate Content
- 2. Have you selected keywords?
- Step 1: Audit your content
- You Have Keywords Now What?
- Auditing Site Inbound Links
- 1. Create Content That Actually Serves A Search Query
- Step 2: Analyze the content performance
- Option 1. De-optimise
- 15. Have you added canonical tags for filtered pageviews?
- 1. Fix broken links
These are some factual sentences found across sources:
- You would use consolidation as an option if you think the cannibalization is a result of similar or duplicated content between multiple pages, which is more likely to be the type 2 of cannibalization, as stated earlier. (
moz.com )
- Start with your most important pages, likely your homepage and top-5 category and product pages. ( bigcommerce.com )
- This article will show you how to identify and fix 15 of the most common problems you're likely facing and how to solve them. ( singlegrain.com )
- Here are 15 of the most common on-site technical SEO issues you're likely facing and how to solve them: ( singlegrain.com )
- According to Raventools, nearly 29% of the web features duplicate content . ( singlegrain.com )
- According to Conductor, as of March 2016, a startling 33.8% of search marketers don't know where their XML sitemaps are located. ( hillwebcreations.com )
- The #1 organic result is 10x more likely to receive a click compared to a page in #10 spot. ( hillwebcreations.com )
- According to SEMrush, 50% of analyzed web pages face duplicate content issues. ( searchenginewatch.com )
- According to SEMrush, a 302 redirect can cause search engines to continue to index an outdated page while ignoring the page you are redirecting it to. (
searchenginewatch.com )
- A DNS error or a 404 error are the most likely culprits for your pages not being indexed, and Search Console will show as much in its Error column. ( searchenginejournal.com )
10 On-Site Technical SEO Factors to Assess in an SEO Audit - Search Engine Journal
- 1. Sitemaps
- 2. Robots.txt
- 3. Crawl Errors
- 4. Multiple URLs: Capital vs. Lowercase URLs
- 5. Does the Site Have an SSL Certificate (Especially in Ecommerce)?
- 6. Minifying CSS & JavaScript Files
- 7. Image Optimization
- 8. HTML Errors / W3C Validation
- 9. Mobile Optimization & Testing
- 10. Forcing a Single Domain
Google Suffers Massive Indexing Glitch - Search Engine Journal
- Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) August 11, 2020 Google has a web crawling and indexing system called Caffeine .
- This Caffeine indexing system empowered Google to continually index the entire web in real-time.
- If index building goes bad, ranking & serving may be affected.
- A member from WebmasterWorld, webdev29, noted how the big sites like Amazon seemed to dominate the SERPs.
- The cause of the glitch, according to Google Webmaster Trends Analyst Gary Illyes appears to be related to Google's indexing system.
What Is Keyword Cannibalization?
Keyword cannibalization occurs when too many pages are optimized for the same keyword.
When Google crawls a website that has multiple pages targeting the same keyword, its forced to determine which page has the most relevant content. This creates confusion and increases the chances that search engines will choose a less-than-ideal page to rank for that keyword.
Its understandable why keyword cannibalization is so common.
Many marketers and webmasters believe if they have multiple pages on their website related to certain terms, their rankings for those terms will increase. In theory, Google would notice the domains expertise in an area and give the page a higher ranking However, instead of concentrating keyword efforts, it actually spreads them out. Search engine crawlers are left to wonder which pages provide the best information for that keyword or query.
Optimizing for one keyword across your website forces your pages to compete against each other. Instead of fighting against your competitors domains for ranking superiority, your pages have to fight against each other to get noticed.
Keyword cannibalization occurs when too many pages are optimized for the same keyword.
There is good news for marketers who identify keyword cannibalization within their accounts: If youre already strategically determining how pages are tagged and optimized, then most of your infrastructure already exists.
You simply need to change how you develop your strategy and assign keywords. Its much easier to adjust your keyword strategy than to develop a new one from scratch.
To check your current content for keyword cannibalization and to fix potential issues:
1. Run an SEO audit report to determine the state of your keywords. From there, you can develop a plan to clean up your results and improve your rankings. Start by developing a spreadsheet with your website URLs and relevant information, including your headline, meta description, target keyword, and internal links. This will be your guide to reviewing your situation.
2. Sort your spreadsheet by keyword and conduct audits on your pages. If you have a dozen pages with the same keyword, then you will need to optimize the content on those pages to target a different term.
3. Designate top keywords for main pages within your spreadsheet that direct to the best content possible. For example, if you created a whitepaper for your industry, you would probably want to rank for that over a few blog articles you casually put together.
4. Set up 301 redirects for weaker pages with duplicate content , outdated content, or pages with minimal information. This will channel traffic to your main pages and allow the search engines to concentrate their efforts.
5. Update all internal links, so the anchor text matches the target keyword of the page they are pointing to. You never want to link a target keyword for one page to another page that isnt targeted for that keyword.
Once you correct this SEO problem , then you can learn how to avoid keyword cannibalization in the future.
What Is Keyword Cannibalization?
Keyword cannibalization occurs when too many pages are optimized for the same keyword.
When Google crawls a website that has multiple pages targeting the same keyword, its forced to determine which page has the most relevant content. This creates confusion and increases the chances that search engines will choose a less-than-ideal page to rank for that keyword.
Its understandable why keyword cannibalization is so common.
Many marketers and webmasters believe if they have multiple pages on their website related to certain terms, their rankings for those terms will increase. In theory, Google would notice the domains expertise in an area and give the page a higher ranking However, instead of concentrating keyword efforts, it actually spreads them out. Search engine crawlers are left to wonder which pages provide the best information for that keyword or query.
Optimizing for one keyword across your website forces your pages to compete against each other. Instead of fighting against your competitors domains for ranking superiority, your pages have to fight against each other to get noticed.
Keyword cannibalization occurs when too many pages are optimized for the same keyword.
There is good news for marketers who identify keyword cannibalization within their accounts: If youre already strategically determining how pages are tagged and optimized, then most of your infrastructure already exists.
You simply need to change how you develop your strategy and assign keywords. Its much easier to adjust your keyword strategy than to develop a new one from scratch.
To check your current content for keyword cannibalization and to fix potential issues:
1. Run an SEO audit report to determine the state of your keywords. From there, you can develop a plan to clean up your results and improve your rankings. Start by developing a spreadsheet with your website URLs and relevant information, including your headline, meta description, target keyword, and internal links. This will be your guide to reviewing your situation.
2. Sort your spreadsheet by keyword and conduct audits on your pages. If you have a dozen pages with the same keyword, then you will need to optimize the content on those pages to target a different term.
3. Designate top keywords for main pages within your spreadsheet that direct to the best content possible. For example, if you created a whitepaper for your industry, you would probably want to rank for that over a few blog articles you casually put together.
4. Set up 301 redirects for weaker pages with duplicate content , outdated content, or pages with minimal information. This will channel traffic to your main pages and allow the search engines to concentrate their efforts.
5. Update all internal links, so the anchor text matches the target keyword of the page they are pointing to. You never want to link a target keyword for one page to another page that isnt targeted for that keyword.
Once you correct this SEO problem , then you can learn how to avoid keyword cannibalization in the future.